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Events and Competitons

The Previous event on the 23rd is cancelled.

Planning for a new event

We are now looking for teams of six. Once we have enough teams we will announce a new event. This would guarantee that there will be enough people to host an amazing party.

Once we have enough teams this is what's going to happen:


The event will be held in Taunton at the SPACE, next to Heathfield school and the Tacchi Morris. follow the signs from the front door.

The game which will be hosted as the main competition will be Overwatch. However, Anyone can join and play any game they want.

The competition will start at 1 PM, giving anyone who wants to compete enough time to set up their equipment.

The competition will be held on randomised maps.


The competition will be set up as a double elimination ladder, allowing losers of the first round another chance to win.

Each team will face each other in a best of five.

Competition specifics:

A double elimination ladder tournament puts every team into a numbered list, with number one against number two, number three against number four, and so on. The winner of each of these initial fights goes on to create a second list of teams, called the "winners Bracket" The same thing will happen to the losers of the initial fight, these people are added to the "losers bracket" list. The competition continues as two separate ladders until there are two teams left. One from the winners bracket, and one from the losers bracket. These last two teams will have one final clash to decide who the winner is.

The team who emerges victorious will win £20 times the number of teams who participate. For example If there are 10 teams then the prize will be £200. This can be distributed among the team members as the team sees fit.


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